Ingleton’s Save a Life
Community Defibrillator Project
A committee of Ingleton residents have joined together to raise awareness about defibrillators, what they are, where they are, how to use them, and also to raise funds to install more around the village.
The aim of Ingleton’s Save a Life Project is to have an effective community of people in Ingleton who are able to resuscitate in a cardiac arrest situation.
A cardiac arrest occurs when the normal electrical activity which controls the heart is replaced by a chaotic disorganised electrical rhythm, the heart stops beating effectively and the circulation of blood stops. The only thing that can return the heart back to its normal rhythm is a high energy electric shock, this shock needs to be delivered by a defibrillator.
Defibrillators can be used by lay people.
For every minute that goes by without CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and defibrillation the person’s chance of survival is reduced by 10%! This is why it is important to call 999, commence CPR and send someone to fetch the nearest defibrillator.
Not everyone who collapses is in cardiac arrest; a defibrillator is programmed to recognise when a shock is needed. It will not allow a shock to be given unless the person needs it..
As of May 2017 we have eleven Community defibrillators sited around the Parish:
- Richmond House, Hawes Road. LA6 3AN
- Primary School, Low Demesne, LA6 3DY
- 2 New Village, LA6 3DG
- Stacksteads Leisure Centre, Tatterthorn Lane, LA6 3HZ
- icentre, Back Gate, LA6 3BT
- Summerlands, Cold Cotes, LA2 8HZ
- Village Square, High Street, LA6 3AB
- H & M Craftsmen, The Industrial Estate, LA6 3NU (off the A65)
- The Old Hill Inn, Chapel le Dale, LA6 3AR
- The Community Centre, LA6 3HG (if locked call 999 for the entry code)
- The Waterfalls Entrance, LA6 3ET (if locked call 999 for the entry code)
All of the Community defibrillators listed above are housed in unlocked yellow cabinets which can be accessed immediately by opening the door.
There is also a defibrillator situated outside the Community Centre. This was given to the village by Yorkshire Ambulance Service and, in accordance with their policy, it is in a locked cabinet. If you need this defibrillator the code to unlock it will be provided you when you dial 999.
We have worked closely with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service and they are aware of the location of all the Community Defibrillators. This means if you are not sure where the nearest defibrillator is they will be able to give advice.
Craven Wanderers also have a portable defibrillator which they take with them for away games.
If you would like more information or have any questions about the project please contact Laraine Sullivan, Tel: 015242 41885 or Email: laraine.sullivan@me.com
On behalf of the parishioners of Ingleton we would like to thank all those local people who have donated their time, money or expertise to this project. We would also like to thank SADS UK, the British Heart Foundation and Dave Jones of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust for their invaluable help and advice
If you witness a cardiac arrest in Ingleton, you can increase the person’s chances of survival by phoning 999 immediately, giving CPR and sending someone to fetch one of the Community Defibrillators.